How you can help?
Join the 200 Club Today!
What Is The 200 Club?
The 200 Club is your opportunity to help those in need! We are looking for 200 people who are willing to donate at least $1,000 anually in order to support our ongoing efforts to help those less fortunate.
At St. John’s we help families in crisis. This includes individuals, families and children escaping domestic violence, the homeless, people with mental health issues, and those who have become financially and emotionally disadvantaged. We provide a range of support services, including serving over 100 meals per day. We also provide referrals and emergency relief to those in desperate need.
Your support allows us to keep doing great work in the community. If you would like to donate money, please use the form on the right or click here to use our bpoint
Direct Deposit
If you would like to donate via direct deposit, you can use the account details below to make your donation. If you wish to be listed as a 200 Club member, or reqire a tax deduduction, please send your inquiry with your name, mobile number and transaction description to
BSB: 034-216